


Vaasthu can help to improve your finances by considering the existing structures in your home, and understand how some structures could aid in positive financial flow, while others could create obstacles, and remedies for the latter.

Many are thinking about vaastu in the house or home or property, but there is an another system is working and balancing on a certain property.Invisible monitering is also being run without your permission on your pre fetched vaasthu construction.

Plants and animals live in perfect harmony with nature. But we human beings, the superior beings that inhabit the earth, have forgotten how to keep peace with our surroundings. If we can modify our homes to harness the energy of the cosmos in such a way that our homes are in complete harmony with our bodies it can help us to succeed in all our endeavors. Due to the magnetic properties of the earth, the needle of a compass always points to the north.

Since vasthu is based on the permanent property of the earth namely inclination towards the north, the effect of vasthu is universal. Which means the effect of vasthu does not merely extend to the people of India or to the followers of Hinduism! The Vasthusasthram has developed over generations as a result of observations of the influence of the SUN and the MAGNETIC fields on earth and living bodies, mentally and physically.

For any problems that you may be having with your health, mental and body peace, it is recommended that you construct buildings "as per the principals of Vasthusasthra - THE LAW OF NATURE
There are two parts to Vasthu Sasthra
1.The Science of vasthu for Land
2.The Science of vasthu for Building

Vaasthu Services
  • Residential Vaasthu Consultation
  • Vaasthu Pooja
  • Bhoomi Pooja